
Long-term memory(LTM)

Refers to the storage of information over an extended period.  It is all the memories you hold for periods longer than a few seconds.  The information can last in your long-term memory for hours,  days,  months,  or even years.  Although you may forget some information after you learn it,  other things will stay with you forever.  Some information retained in STM is processed or encoded into long-  term memory.  This information is filed away in your mind and must be retrieved before it can be used.  Some of the information in your LTM is easy to recall,  while other memories are much more difficult to retrieve Unlike short-term memory,  long-term memory has seemingly unlimited capacity.  You may remember numerous facts and figures, as well as episodes in your life from years ago.

Ø  Types of long-term memory
There are main two types of long term memory: Explicit memory and implicit memory.
v  Explicit memory: Explicit memory are those experiences that can be intentionally and consciously remembered.  It is knowledge or experiences that can be consciously remembered such as facts, data, episodes,  or events.  Explicit memory can be further sub-categorized as either episodic or semantic memories. 

§  Episodic memory refers to the firsthand experiences that you have had(e.g.  episodes or events in your life).  For example,  you may remember your 16th birthday party or your first soccer game. 

§  Semantic memory refers to knowledge of facts and concepts about the world.  For example,  you may remember the names of presidents or how to multiple two numbers.

v  Implicit memory: refers to knowledge that we cannot consciously access.  It is remembering without awareness.  For example,  you may remember how to ride a bike or walk,  but it is difficult to explain how you do it.

Activity: Complete the text


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